Become a member

0 members
$5 per month
or $4.75 for subs

gold coin with bronze inlay

5% discount
0 members
$10 per month
or $9.50 for subs

gold coin with silver inlay

10% discount
Discord Member Only Products
0 members
$15 per month
or $14.25 for subs

Solid Gold Coin

15% discount
Here you will find all the products that only a member can get and no other person will have. It is truly a perk for the supporters Only. Thank you for your membership: MafiosoKid
Elite gold
0 members
$20 per month
or $19 for subs

Brown Cigar with silver Smoke and abh accent inlays

20% discount
Here you will find all the products that only a member can get and no other person will have. It is truly a perk for the supporters Only. Thank you for your membership: MafiosoKid